Sherry and Kerry - Hulafrog

Meet Sherry and Kerry, the rhyming co-founders of Hulafrog—a network of local websites and newsletters publicizing activities, events and deals for kids.
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Meet Sherry and Kerry, the rhyming co-founders of Hulafrog—a network of local websites and newsletters publicizing activities, events and deals for kids.
Read more about them!
Posted by Social Media Expert at 29 November, 2012, 11:12 am
Have you ever heard the saying “success is an inside job?” I never thought much of it until I found that out for myself. See, I went into business with the firm belief that as long as I marketed more, networked more, had more conversations, launched more programs… then I would be set. The money [...]
Posted by Social Media Expert at 6 August, 2012, 11:35 am
We’re more than half way through the year…and instead of lamenting those New Year’s Resolutions you made that haven’t quite been put into place yet, it’s actually a fantastic time to really crank up the marketing in your business. Without it, after all, you wouldn’t exactly HAVE a business in the first place, right? As [...]