How are you guys handling this economic crisis?? Since we last spoke, it has been publicized that the economy is the worst it has been in my lifetime.? And here I am, with a start-up.? Hmmmm….? As the eternal optimist I must try to find the silver lining.? Here it is….for those of us with fledgling little companies, these are GREAT times to build our brand and company.? Here we are, just starting out and we are faced with the worst economic times most of us have ever seen.? This forces us to be lean and mean from the beginning.? We are watching every penny and not taking anything for granted.? When the economy DOES turn around, just imagine the rewards we will reap!!?? I feel sorry for the people who built their companies years ago during the economic hay-days of years past.? They thought THAT was the “norm†and now they are folding like a house of cards.? Those of us that accept this as the new status quo and survive it will be in for lots of pleasant surprises when the cycle of peaks and valleys turns from valley to peaking again.? (And it will)? Right now, it’s all about survivability.? Some companies have it, and some don’t.? We just need to do everything we can to insure that we are the ones that do.
Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢? www.grillcharms.com