My first post with mompreneursonline’s blog took place earlier this week!? I think we all just jumped right in and never really thought about a nice little introduction (you know, those ones when you are in a team building session or a conference break out group and you are asked to introduce yourself and give one little tid bit about you that is relevant to that group!).
So, here we go…….
“Hi/Hola -?My name is Beth Butler, known?better as Boca Beth around the kids?edutainment world thanks to a?bilingual product line I?created and produced (along with a team of awesome people – studio team, music producer,?graphics?designer, web master who is the mac-mama, my sister who just joined our company after 16 years of?teaching children and more!).? I have a degree in Elementary Education and spent more than 10 years in the classrooms of children ages 2-10!? As I brought?my passion for teaching into their lives I also brought my love of Spanish as a second language.?
I was born here in?Florida and?had the great opportunity to live in Chile as an exchange student then Mexico and then I married a Latino.? Mix that all together and you have one bilingual Beth Butler!? I live in a community where my neighbor is from?Ecuador, my children’s friends are from Puerto Rico, Cuba, Columbia, Argentina (you get the idea!), and I have daily opportunities to remain fluent.
We are raising our three children to be bilingual – to appreciate other’s cultures and to respect the need for more than one language in this ever-increasing global society.? I have two high school boys (though I swear they must have skipped many grades because I am way too young to have a 17 and 15 year old!) – both of whom were Spanish Student of the Year.??My boys’ father is my first husband (the Latino who gave me a big ‘Oh No’ moment many moons ago in our now-defunt marriage!!!).? They both?understand tons of Spanish, but it’s like pulling teeth to get the older one to speak one word of it.?
And then there is the little sister who is 7?… Megan is?from my new husband who has not one ounce of Latin blood running through his veins!? She can roll her r’s like there is a tiger purring within!? He works for a wine company (that truly comes in handy for creative juices flowing during song-writing time!) and continually insists on more and more Spanish spoken around the home.? (He must have another South Florida trip coming up soon because he’s been on this Spanish roll lately!)
So – that’s me – a mompreneur who took her passion and love of Spanish as her second language, mixed it up with her patience to teach all kinds of children and?created the Boca Beth Bilingual Product?Line ( a?fun, easy and affordable way for every parent and teacher to give the?gift of Spanish as a second language to their child without knowing Spanish themselves plus give the gift of English as a second language to every Latino child struggling to get that head start they need on learning?English?at a young age).”
Happy Educating!? ?Sea feliz educando!
Beth Butler? (aka BOCA BETH the?educator, entertainer and ever-loving mom)