Shark Tank

Posted by For Inventors at 13 September, 2009, 8:15 pm

Here are a few links and stuff for you:


If you have a small business or want to help one, here:


With October being Breast Cancer awareness month I have been sending out press kits to my “short lead media list” regarding The Pink Collection.  I have my media contacts in two categories.  My long lead which includes most magazines, and my short lead which includes newspapers, TV and radio.  The magazine’s editorial calendar is about 6-9 months out so I submitted my stuff to them around the first of the year for October.


Okay… enough small talk, I’M GOING TO BE ON ABC’S SHARK TANK!!!  OMG, that felt good!!  I have been holding that little secret in for MONTHS.  Well…. Not that I was going to be on, but that I even taped the show.  Up until you see yourself on the screen (which I did in the promo on tonight’s episode) there really is no guarantee that your segment will air.  Now that it’s “public knowledge” well…. It’s public knowledge.  It’s fun to follow the sharks on twitter. Sometimes you get an inside scoop!
@ BarbaraCorcoran


Also there is a show on TV LAND called “How’d you get so Rich”.   Joan Rivers is the host and she is HILLARIOUS! There are a few episodes where she features a few of the sharks. Just to get to know them better, check out this one to meet Robert Herjavec


This one to meet Kevin O Leary:

I’m hoping she’ll do the other sharks too in upcoming episodes.


Now whether I sink or swim in the Shark Tank, you just have to tune in and see.  I am still not 100% certain when my segment will air.  I’ll let you know as soon as I know.  I’ll be back again soon!


Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charms™

Category : Marketing | Media Coverage | Public Relations | Success Stories

2 Responses to “Shark Tank”

Chris September 17, 2009

I am so excited for you Leslie! I say you’ll swim with the sharks, not sink!
Thanks for the link to HYGSR. I enjoyed watching Robert’s episode. I like Robert. Normally I don’t care for Joan R. but she was funny! I enjoyed it!
Good luck!!

Leslie Haywood September 26, 2009

Thanks so much Chris! I know, Joan Rivers is HILLARIOUS on this show!!