Rekindling the Romance

Posted by at 2 November, 2011, 7:44 pm


I’ve often compared my love for my career to that of any relationship. I have this true love and passion for what I do (or am trying to do) and even on the days when I want to throw in the towel because I hit a wall, I always know I could never turn my back on it. To me, this is what a good relationship is all about. To love someone, or in this case, something, enough to hang in there even when it looks bleak.

Recently, I noticed that my “relationship” with this company has become stale. So, like anything that it worth while, I sat down to figure out how to put that passion and excitement back into my work. Instead of trying to recreate what I’ve done, which I have decided is nearly impossible, I am moving forward. The part of this adventure that was exciting came in the development, in the discovery and in the unknown. It is time for me to get back into the creative mode!

To jump start this, I have put together a presentation and have spent a great deal of time talking to the kids at school. It has not only been educational for me but has boost the energy and excitement in what I do. It has also put deadlines back into my life. I am a big believer in committing to something so you are accountable to complete your goal within a time limit. I promised to take the kids along on this journey so they are expecting to see prototypes. I’m also on my way to a toy convention in a few weeks and am crossing my fingers that this prototype will be making the journey with me! It may or may not happen but that in itself brings the excitement to the project!

How are you rekindling the passion in your career?

Category : Toy Mom