I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.? We fried 5 turkeys Thursday.? 3 for our family and 2 for the neighbors.? I don’t want to see another fried turkey for a long long time!! Today is my eldest daughter’s 6th birthday.? Where did the time go???? ?
Hits:? ?
GrillJunkieâ„¢ is a line of grilling products, accessories, and on-line recipes and tips to help celebrate the world’s
addiction to grilling and spending time with family and friends!?
A friend of a friend just published a children’s book which is perfect for this holiday.? It’s about a pig in politics that lives by the motto “Dirt Doesn’t Hurtâ€.? The book is called Rhyme.? Check is out at www.mpcpress.com.?
I have 19 days to get all of my stuff to
Atlanta for the tradeshow in January.? Everything has to be delivered by the 19th to take advantage of the free storage and it will also be one less thing I have to worry about when the time comes for the actual show.? My booth is really starting to come together.? The past few days have been filled with making up press kits, printing labels, making order forms etc…? It’s the little stuff that you don’t really “think†about that takes up so much time.? For each tradeshow, it’s important that your booth information is on every piece of marketing material you have (including your business cards).? For the past few days I’ve been sticking tiny labels with my building, floor and booth number onto about 300 sell sheets, 50 press kits, 500 business cards, and 200 brochures.? It’s important that when people take information from your booth, that they know how to find you again.? Especially since the first day of the show, most buyers DO NOT buy.? They normally collect information and get somewhat of a game plan together.? They typically review the materials then in the following days, go back to the booths that they are interested it.? Having your booth information on all of your materials is extremely important so the buyers can easily find you again after they review your material.? Time to jump in the shower and off to grandma’s house for the family birthday party.?
Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢? www.grillcharms.com?