4 Ways to Get Raving Fans

Posted by PR Mom at 9 September, 2009, 2:47 pm

A customer testimonial is key in a PR program because it’s one of the most powerful marketing tools out there.

Customers raving about your company gives you third-party credibility – which is so important for small businesses. Potential buyers are more likely to believe a customer talking about their experience than a slickly written brochure or ad. A testimonial tells other people that they can trust your business and that you offer a quality product or service.

So how do you get them?

1. Make it easy for them to say Yes

Most people hate writing so non-urgent tasks will get put on the bottom of their list. You’ll have to make it so simple, they have to say yes. See if anyone has emails to you with something nice to say and ask if you can use it.

2. Ask them a few questions by email or phone, such as:

• What did you like about our product or service?

• How can we make it even better?

• Would you recommend our company to others?

3. Offer a freebie

If they’re already fans of your company, they’d love more of your stuff! Offer a few customers a freebie (pick some you’ve already interacted positively with) to answer the questions listed above.

4. Ask your friends and supporters

If your business just got off the ground or haven’t made any sales yet, let several of your friends try your product or service for free. If they honestly like it, ask them if they’ll write a testimonial you can use in your marketing. To be really useful, pick those that are in your target market.

I know it may be hard to ask, but in my experience, most people are incredibly helpful and more than willing to give testimonials to help you succeed in getting PR for your company. Of course, always make sure you ask permission to use someone’s testimonial in your marketing materials!


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