Ever feel like you are walking on the tightrope in the circus? I do – pretty much every day. Ever wonder how they keep from falling? Every time they step out, they walk that fine line. I have several buddies in the entertainment biz who have told me the secret is simply this – finding a good sense of balance …and a great safety net, but that’s a different blog entry
I wish there were a clear cut daily schedule for everyone or a one-size-fits-all set of rules, when it comes to achieving balance. But there isn’t – what works best for one person, won’t work at all for the next. So it is up to us as individuals to know ourselves well, and to figure out what works best – for you, for your family, for your business, for your sanity. In my line of work as a musician, and for any entrepreneur, if we don’t literally schedule in some business time, some family time, and some “me” time, it isn’t going to happen and we will be drained in one area or another. By nature, most entrepreneurs are driven, creative people, who love what we do and know that we need to work our tooshies off to survive as entrepreneurs. But as Mompreneurs, we also have to figure family and ‘down time for me’ into the mix, which means a whole lot of giving and taking and balancing.
For me at least, finding time for the work part is easy. And hopefully, we take care of our families by nature, scheduling in the school plays, baseball games, swimming lessons, play time, because we are good Moms. It’s the taking-time-for-me part I have the hardest time with.
Ever wonder why on a plane if you ever need to use the oxygen masks you are instructed to put it on yourself first? It took me a long while to understand that if we don’t breathe in the oxygen first, we can’t function and help anyone else. Aha! So I have permission to take that time for me and to re-charge the “me” battery. A good massage… going for a walk…taking a nice hot bubble bath with a good book and a glass of cabernet… they all work. But I will be the first to confess I am the last one who schedules in that me time. Perfect example – I have a membership to Massage Envy. At last count, I had 18 pre-paid massages waiting for me, and I have yet to put them on my calendar.
I am writing this entry after having just returned from a week and a half vacation with my sweet hubby, child and family. I am well rested, and I wonder, ‘why don’t I do this more often?’ to which I answer, ‘well the trip has been on the calendar for several months.’ Yes, I’m so ready to get back to work. But maybe before I dive back in, I’ll call Massage Envy and get some me time scheduled on the calendar.
Thought you might get some tips out of my latest article on Social Media Tools. Thanks! Diana
Social Media Tools For You – Business Just Got a Whole Lot Better
Social media is definitely hot now as a means to get clients and more exposure for your business. But understanding it all can be a challenge. Not anymore. This week we are going to break it down and show you the different social media tools and just what they can be used for in your business.
First the granddaddy of them all, Facebook. No need to tell you what Facebook is, but let’s concentrate on how it can drive sales to your business. It’s important to use your Facebook page itself as marketing tool by providing information on your business and a means to connect to you on there. It allows you to brand your business, drive more traffic to your site, post events, etc. I’ve also discovered that the advertising feature of Facebook ads works well too.
Twitter next – I for one am definitely a Twitter addict. I love it. Not only because I can connect with my friends and associates, but because it drives people to my site and the events that I host. For example, I’m doing a PR class now, and being able to tweet about it gives me more signs-ups. You just can’t beat that added exposure.
YouTube – There is no denying the power of videos. People love to feel more connected with you personally online and this is a means to do it. We recommend not only doing a single video about your business, but developing a whole series on tips that show your expertise. Just make sure these add value and aren’t just an advertisement.
TubeMogul – For video uploads and syndication, this allows you to upload a single video to dozens of video sites including YouTube. Oh yes, it’s that easy!
Flickr – This allows you to download photos and easily add them to your blogs and presentations. This is especially beneficial for real estate agents, wedding planners, event companies, etc. When you can show what you can do for clients and have done previously, it entices people to want to know more.
There are so many more, but this should get you started. Isn’t it amazing what’s out there today. Until next time, happy marketing!
Diana Ennen is the President of Virtual Word Publishing, http://www.virtualwordpublishing.com where she specializes in PR and marketing and business startups. Contact her at Diana@virtualwordpublishing.com or @dianaennen
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