Archive for January, 2008

Tonight’s the night!!!

Posted by at 29 January, 2008, 6:03 pm

Monday January 28th 4:00

I am leaving for the airport in less then 2 hours and I’m finding myself doing crazy stuff, like I just vacuumed the floor. It’s strange… I’m doing everything I can to not think about anything. This is really showing me something about myself I never really realized. I’m a “denier”. With everything that’s happening lately, I’m doing a whole lot of self discovery. I’m being forced to be in situations I never dreamed of and it’s funny how I’m handling them. For example… right now, I’m writing to y’all when I’m sure there is some more “preparing” I should be doing, but I just can’t. For some reason writing about it isn’t really like thinking about it. You guys are my friends and family. This is FUN. Actually thinking, preparing and over analyzing, which I could easily get myself into doing, is SCARY! sooooo, I’ll just keep babbling from now until tomorrow night
I really should get going and do something else… not sure what, but something. I’ll be back soon I’m sure!


9:52… Okay, I’m at the hotel. The driver Michael was so awesome! I got to the baggage claim and he was holding up a little sign that said “Haywood”. I’ve never been one of THOSE people that got picked up by men with signs before! YIPEE!!! As I crossed the
Bridge and looked over to
Manhattan I couldn’t help but channel George and Weezie… MOVIN ON UP!!
I’m settling in for the night, got my jammie’s on, said night night to the girls, gave a long distance hug to my husband, took my contacts out, and the one thought right this very moment that is giving me the biggest grin on my face is the fact that there is ZERO possibility that I will be woken up out of a dead sleep at some UnGodly hour by

“MOMMY!!!! I NEED TO WIPE!!!!!!”

Ahhhhhhh…. peace and serenity….

Night night friends…. next time we talk, this part of the ride will be over.


My wake up call isn’t for another 30 minutes, but I just can’t sleep. Of course I dreamed something horrible last night. (I did that right before the Oprah/QVC product search too, so I’m not surprised) This time I had a dream that my product starting “peeling” and come to find out instead of being made of solid stainless steel (like it is) it was a nail and a paper filter looking thing coated in a silver metal coating that peeled off the first time you washed it! In my dream I was frantically trying to call
Taiwan and my sourcing agent and of course couldn’t get a hold of anyone. It was one of those dreams where when you wake up and realize it was just a dream, you are so relieved that you are actually put in a GREAT mood because you realize everything is right with the world
I couldn’t go back to sleep, so here I am. I watched the show last night and on the one minute to millions segment last night, they gave those guests a lot of “X”‘s and not so many thumbs up, so I’m thinking tonight, they are going to be full of compliments! I really do feel good about it. I’m not very nervous right now about the show. I am more nervous about the live radio interview that I am doing at 9:05 this morning. Yesterday I was in the local paper in a story about my trip here.
A news talk radio station read it and asked if they could do a live phone in interview before I left the hotel. Anything I do w/ Donny will be taped so if I mess up too bad, I can get a “do over”. Live…. is LIVE! Ooooppsss… I’m starting to thing a little too much. Gotta quit that! Well, I’m still in my PJ’s so I’m going to throw some clothes on and get some breakfast
downstairs. I’ll come back and get ready after I eat something. If I don’t talk to you again, I’ll be back when it’s all over!


Tuesday January 29th 3:15 Well… it’s all over.? I can’t believe that it’s all over.? WOW what a whirlwind.? This morning while in my hotel I did a live interview with the morning show and from what my friends and family say, it went really well.? It’s funny how after “events” like this, I have amnesia.? I have no idea how anything really goes, I just know if I messed up or not, not so much how well I did.? I knew I didn’t mess up, but I’ve heard I did really well.?? When I get home I’ll get the digital recording and link it.? ?



So on to Donny!? The car picked me up at 9:30 sharp and I went straight to the studio which was only about 10 minutes away.? I was sitting in the back seat with a big wooly jacket on and my hands on my hips so I wouldn’t pit my dress from all the perspiration that was going on under that jacket.? I went into “make-up” and got my face done.? That in itself was worth the trip!!! Patty my make up artist was MAGIC!? You should see me!!!? I’m actually sitting in LaGuardia airport right now waiting for my flight home, looking like I am an entrepreneur of the oldest profession, BUT for TV… my face looks GREAT!? THANKS PATTY!!!?



After I got my face on I went with a producer and we went into a back room where they had some food grilled and we did a video shoot which they edited and used for the lead in to the “One minute to Millions segment”? That was a TON of fun!? That was just me, the producer and the camera guy.? We had a blast!? She asked me questions, and then I answered them like I was talking to Donny.? It’s amazing what they can do by just editing clips.? They took the 20 minutes I did in there, the video the crew took in

Charleston and put it all together to make a segment that lasted about 1 minute.? I can’t wait to really see it tonight.? The other guests said it was great.? ?



After the video with the producer, I went back to the “green room” and waited.? Slowly but surely the other guests trickled in and we chatted, laughed, compared notes, it was awesome!? Not all of the guests hung out (like Carmen Electra) but most did.? (None of us saw Carmen; she was whisked in and whisked out pretty quickly without any of us seeing her).? The show is taped almost in real time.? The show flows at the set just like it will on TV later that night.? The producers come and get you when “you’re up next” then you get to get personal with the mic guy and they get to figure out just how to wire you up, totally funny!? ?



When it was my turn, they brought me onto the set and I must admit, I was feeling a little panic attacky.? Nobody would ever know it, but the ol heart rate got up there pretty high.? That only lasted until I got sitting down and the tape started rolling.? I was warned by the producer, “this is done in one take, no do overs, so if you mess up, just keep on going and don’t make a big deal out of it”.? Just sitting there next to Donny was totally surreal.? I though I was going to jump out of my skin for a minute there, but then when we started rolling, my brain went on autopilot, my heart rate lowered and again… I’m not sure how I did; I just know that I didn’t “mess up”.? (By mess up, I mean I didn’t say something REALLY REALLY stupid)? I don’t remember what I said or how I looked, I just know I didn’t do anything I can be chastised for.??? ?



I’m pretty sure I did fine, but I’m totally going to let you all make up your mind as to how it actually went with my product.? If you missed the show, it’ll be on my website within the week.? One of the experts that was critiquing me didn’t “get it”, but that’s okay, I can’t make everyone happy.? Donny loved me and my product and that’s all that matters.? ?



So now it’s all over and I can breathe again.?? Tonight we are going next door to watch my national TV debut with friends.? I can’t believe it’s all over and I’m on my way home.? Wow, that was crazy!? I wonder what’s in store next?? Dianne ( emailed me info that Rachael Ray is looking for kitchen gadget inventors…? Hey… It could happen!?

Leslie Haywood, Founder and President, Charmed Life Products LLC

Category : The Journey of Grill Charms!

Just another playgroup

Posted by at 23 January, 2008, 7:30 pm

This afternoon I was at a play group with 3 friends and 7 screaming kids.? My cell phone rings and it’s a number don’t recognize so I answer it afraid I’m going to miss something, and it’s the buyer for that huge steak company!!!!? (See blog from January 18). ? She says, “Is this a good time, can you talk?”? I am doing a little jig in my friend’s kitchen while I frantically scramble for a piece of paper and a?pencil and rush outside on the back patio totally leaving my crazy kids in the custody of friends who aren’t even aware yet that I am SO out-a-there!? Trying not to sound winded I say “Sure” in the calmest most collected voice I can muster.? It went really really well She said she was very interested and wanted samples.? I’m going to send a press kit and I also told her about my up coming Donny show and she sounded impressed and had said that? Donny featured their company last year. I’m getting samples and stuff together tonight and will get it out priority mail tomorrow.? ?

5 days till Donny!?

Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢?

Category : The Journey of Grill Charms!

Helping Our Children Dare to Dream

Posted by at 22 January, 2008, 9:39 pm

Well, if 2008 is not the year of the entrepreneur, it certainly IS the year of the mompreneurs who share on the wonderful online community of women that Pat and Ellen created for us to inspire, motivate, cheer on, hold up, pick up, and sing praises for one another!

With that being said, the teacher in me is compelled to remind every one of us as the pace setter of our families and?as the daily inspiration provider for our children to make certain to instill this drive of following your passion and chasing your dream within each and every young child, tween and teen we touch.? It’s one thing to say that your children watch you work like a crazed chicken some moments and like a graceful butterfly other moments.? It’s a totally different thing to truly and purposefully encourage them to dream and dream big.

So often we take for granted the innocence of children and their God-given talent for unbridled imagination.? I think that often times fools us into thinking, “I don’t need to talk to Megan about dreaming big and following her passion.? She’s all over the place with her made up games and fanciful friends.”? The opposite is true………

Daring to dream to be a famous dancer

………We should embrace her games and ask to play once in a while or elicit an introduction to that made up new friend.? We learn so much from this spontaneous play with our children and gain insight into where their minds are taking them.? And even though those two other calls need to be made or those three other “To Dos” need to get done before it’s really play time, don’t you think we should make it a point to slow down, stop for 5 minutes, give her?our undivided attention and then go back to our list that never gets done?

Society does a poor job on developing dreams and passions, we are doing amazing jobs at developing our dreams and passions, and now we need to remind ourselves to help our children dare to dream and chase that dream with passion and purpose!

Happy Educating!? ?Sea feliz educando!

Boca Beth

Category : Blogroll | Teacher Mom

Film Star

Posted by at 22 January, 2008, 12:47 pm


Film Star?

Yesterday was so much fun!? I’m still recovering from all the craziness.? A film crew came to do the video shoot for the segment that will air before the interview with Donny.? It was about 2 hours worth of film, but they will only use 2 minutes.? I can’t wait to see how it turns out.? I was on the board yesterday right before they came.? Here is some of what was going on….?

“It’s 11:30, they will be here… (next door) in about 2 hours. The inmates are running the asylum, I have to get them fed, put my “face” on, change clothes, put Morgan down for her nap, have my husband go to Costco still, bring over all the food, sauces, salad, and other “stuff” to make it look like a real summer cookout… Okay, I’m starting to overwhelm myself. Here’s the nutshell version of what is happening for those of you that missed it… I was on the Donny Deutsch “American Dream team” the beginning of the month, got a call then next day to say they are flying me to NY to do the show for real (Jan 28th, taping on the 29th), today (in about 1 hour) is the video shoot for the 2 minute intro they will play before I get sat down in the hot seat next to Donny while they do the “One Minute to Millions” segment and critique my company, product, marketing etc… I’m not really sure what I’m doing online right now. I think I’m procrastinating because I really don’t know what to do first. Now I do have my face on, and my clothes I just have to put on. The kids are eating lunch right now and I just wolfed down a Lean Cuisine. I’ve got the “props” out on the counter including sauces, platters, salad bowls, fruit bowl, buns and the chicken and burgers are in the fridge. The hubby isn’t back from Costco w/ the steaks yet, but he’s on his way. My girlfriend has a better camera so she’s about to bring over her video camera to do the video of the video. That’s about it for now… I’ll write more soon!”?

That was as it was happening.? Now it’s all over and it was soooo much fun!? My husband, my best friend 2 doors down and my very good friends and neighbors (right next door) were my cast of characters.? The film crew arrived at my house and I advised them that we would be going next door.? I begged my neighbors to let us do this at their house because she doesn’t have kids and her house is SPOTLESS!? (She also has a better deck)? We had tons of food and the crew filmed me spicing things up, the guys grilling, the girls asking for “Mild chicken please” or “I would like the rare one thank you”.? We shot about 2 hours worth of film and I can only imagine what it will look like when it’s all over.? It was really very very easy.? The guys had a very good idea of what they needed.? They had been in contact with the producer and knew that they needed “B roll, with natural sound”? (Whatever that means!)? They may as well have been speaking Greek when they talked to each other, but their directions to us were plain as day.? The best part was after the shoot was over, we had a FEAST!? I had a babysitter here at my house to watch the kiddies as it was the little one’s nap time.? I actually did video the video.? I’m hoping to have that on YouTube in the next few days.? ?

6 days till Donny!?

Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢?

Category : The Journey of Grill Charms!


Posted by at 19 January, 2008, 3:36 pm

January 18, 2008?


I’m on my way back from our annual ski vacation.? Every year for the past 7 years we vacation out west for about a week with our best friends.? We’ve been doing this tradition since BC (before children) and vowed to never let the tradition die.? One year my littlest one was only 8 weeks old, but that didn’t stop us.? This year our 5 year old actually skied the greens with daddy!!!? The 3 year old put skis on for the first time this year.? She was not thrilled with the whole process, but next year she’ll be about the age when she’ll really “get it”. They LOVE all the sledding, angel making and snowmen attempts.? Living in
Charleston, we see about 1 snowflake every 10 years, so just seeing snow is like being at Disney World for them.? In a minute I’ll give you an update on the latest events, but this whole vacation brings to mind an important topic.? I do believe whole heartedly that family vacations… well… more importantly, TRADITIONS are imperative.? As mompreneurs it’s so easy to be all consumed with work that it’s hard to imagine getting away.? I actually proved to myself that I could do it (I had wondered if it was possible, as I left town with so many very hot irons in the fire, but I pulled it off!)? Right now it’s 2:30 on Friday and I’m in the
Denver airport.? My older daughter is running around with daddy and the little is at my feet playing with her little “Diego Activity Kit”.? I’ve got a film crew coming to my house Monday, today was a deadline for getting a press release to the coordinator for an upcoming “Food and Wine Festival” in which I well be a vendor, I was almost in a product review section for OK Magazine and Martha Stewart (more on that later) and thanks to my wonderful friend Cher with a voice of an angel… (If you don’t believe me, take a listen at ) I was given the opportunity to call THE go to person for new product development with one of the biggest Steak companies in the
US!? All this did get accomplished from the lifts, slopes and fireplace.? I left my mom in charge of order fulfillment, I had my cell phone with me at all times, I had computer access, I had my PR girls meet deadlines with one phone call, I made contact with Cher’s contact during naptime, and we had a WONDERFUL vacation.? Thankfully I don’t think my family noticed all the work I got done.? We usually book and pay for this trip in the summer, so that way when winter rolls around and we are all so very swamped with “stuff” no matter what, we HAVE to go, because we already paid for it! No matter what is going on at the time, we force ourselves to take this traditional winter vacation.? Even if your vacation tradition is camping in the back yard every 4th of July or jetting off to
Paris every spring, that’s the beauty of doing it as a family.? It doesn’t mater where you are or what you do, just that you do it together.? The girls are already talking about next year!? Gotta catch a flight… I’ll continue and post tomorrow sometime…?

January 19, 2008?

I’m back!? There was a bit of funny business that happened while out there.? I was riding so high because of all the wonderful stuff that was happening with
Cher (and of COURSE still not believing about Donny), that when I got a message on my voicemail (literally, I listened to the message still in my skis from the side of the mountain) I thought “OMG I’m sooo on a roll!!!? I’m too hot now baby!!!”? Only to be brought back down to reality the next day.? I’m filling y’all in because I didn’t really know the way these kind of things work and my naivety got me all excited and let down for nothing.? The message was from a gal with a “media” company (or so I thought).? She left a message saying that she wrote product reviews for OK weekly magazine, Martha Stewart, and many more.? She pumped me up and told me how perfect she thought Grill Charms were for her pieces and wanted to know if I was interested.? Of course, I’m freaking out thinking “Man am I hot stuff or what!!!”? She said she put all the information I would need in an email which I was able to check about an hour or so later.? As she promised, she absolutely had all the information about being in many of the magazines she had mentioned and then some.? My heart sank though when I read how much it would cost.? Obviously I was very naive in thinking that out of the blue someone would just call me up and say “I found you online, LOVE your product, let me put you in Martha Stewart!!”? I am still very very green and don’t know all the nuances to this whole game (and believe me, there are PLENTY).? The only reason I’m sharing this is NOT to poopoo this girl or this game.? She was so very nice, and I might just take her up on it someday, but I was just not aware of this practice so I thought I’d warn you guys before you go jumping up and down for joy without reading the fine print.? There is fine print and catches to everything everywhere so before you go telling the world that you are about to be in OK Weekly Magazine…like I almost did…make sure you have all the facts.? Fortunately, I only blabbed to about 4 very close friends and my PR girls. ?


Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢?

Category : The Journey of Grill Charms!

“What did you invent?”

Posted by at 9 January, 2008, 9:55 am

I feel so much better today.? Well, I shouldn’t say “better” because in all of my business or professional career I have never been as excited as I was when I got the call on Friday, so “better” isn’t really an accurate word.? I feel more “stable”, “centered”, “normal”.? The adrenaline has subsided and now it’s back to work.? It’s so great to work with so many other mom’s.? One of my PR girls is a friend whom I was friends with first, and a vendor just recently.? We have been members of a little playgroup for 5 years now and she’s putting together my press kits amongst other PR related things.? She emailed me yesterday needing some more materials (business cards, letterhead, loose charms for samples etc…).? Her kids where napping and so were mine so I emailed her back “after naps, wanna have a playgroup?”.? About an hour later she drives up in her mini-van with 3 kids, they all pile out; they all go upstairs to the playroom and have a blast while the mommies take care of business.? It might not be the “right” way to run a company, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!?

This morning I went to a local elementary school and gave a talk about inventing to about 40-50 5th graders.? It was so much fun!? They are going through the invention process and had so many questions about what I did, how I did it and why.? I could have stayed and talked all day, but I had to rush off to pick up the girls from Aunt Brandy’s house to get them to school.? My sister then tells me that my 5 years old was talking to her cousin and said “My mommy is at a school telling children about her Grill Charms and inventing…? Aunt Brandy, what did you invent?”? My sister told her “Nothing”.? To that my daughter said with a look of confusion and disappointment “Why not?? You have to invent SOMETHING!”? It was so cute.? I’m so proud!? I’ve got that one already down in the baby book.?

Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢?

Category : The Journey of Grill Charms!

Virtual Assistant Tips

Posted by at 8 January, 2008, 2:10 pm

I just wanted to mention that Lesley Spencer’s site, is getting some amazing press.? In Parents in December, Redbook in January.? With that I’m noticing a lot of businesses who are listing for services that a virtual assistant could handle.? I thought you might want to look into that.? Many of the businesses are paying good rates.? This site connects businesses with entrepreneurs.? Lesley is the Founder of HBWM.

With the New Year, it’s time for virtual assistants to start their marketing big time.? Also, if you happen to offer bookkeeping services, get there and let people know.? 1099s are due at the end of this month and businesses are going to be looking for help.? Plus tax day is right around the corner as well.? All of those who have waited, now will be looking for help, and a virtual assistant is the perfect solution.

It’s also a great time to review your website.? Does it sell you well?? You really don’t realize the importance a website has to potential clients.? I hear this all the time when I’m trying to help clients find a VA.? They will go to the VA’s site and when it’s not professional, they come back to me and triple check that I feel this VA can do it.”? You want to sell the professionalism of your services and your site has to have that professionalism.

As always if you have any questions on starting your virtual assistant business, e-mail me at I’m the Virtual Assistant Expert here and I’m happy to help you.

Diana Ennen / Virtual Word Publishing /

Category : Virtual Assistant

A Virtual Assistant’s New Years Resolution

Posted by at 8 January, 2008, 1:56 pm


Since it’s the time of year to write New Year’s Resolutions, I thought I’d share the ones I wrote specifically for the Virtual Assistant Industry.? I hope you enjoy them!? – Diana Ennen?

The Virtual Assistant Industry has grown in leaps and bounds this year and is soon on its way to becoming a household word.? It used to be people would ask, “What is a virtual assistant?”? Now, the question is more, “Who is your virtual assistant?” It brings to mind years past when if you mentioned you were starting a home-based business, people would look at you like you were nuts.? Now operating a home-based business is not only accepted, but also highly regarded.? ?

This past year, we saw amazing evidence of the power of virtual assistants (VAs) with more and more media coverage, well-known authors and celebrities singing our praises, and businesses and corporations alike commenting on how hiring a virtual assistant has helped them to achieve so much more success in not only their business, but personal lives as well. Thousands of qualified and dedicated entrepreneurs stepped up to meet that demand and now join the ranks of being one of us-a virtual assistant. ??When thinking of the VA Industry, brilliance, cutting-edge technology, and enormous dedication comes to mind.? This year lets take our Industry to new heights.? Lets keep our proud tradition of being the best, and lets show the world, that they can’t do without us.? ?

Here’s are several New Years Resolutions to help you achieve greater success with your business this year:?

Resolution #1 — Make a commitment to get to know two people within your industry on a more personal level every month.? Answer back an e-mail addressed to a VA group with a personal, “Hi. How are you doing? I’m Diana Ennen.”? Also, become active on VA boards.? If networking locally, introduce yourself at a professional organization’s meeting or a conference instead of just being in the background.?

Resolution #2 – Take the time to organize your business and make it easier to run on a daily basis. If you haven’t done so already, invest in a 3-ring notebook and put all the valuable forms you use on a daily basis in there including all your marketing letters, follow-up client letters, proposals, portfolios, etc. By customizing these forms now, you have them available when a client contacts you and are then able to respond to that client immediately with the right professionalism that will convince them to use your services.?? Bottom line – You don’t have to reinvent the wheel each time.

?Resolution #3 – Define your definition of a virtual assistant.? There is so much talk today on exactly what is a virtual assistant.? Spend the time this year to focus on what you believe a virtual assistant is and what you believe your clients look for in a virtual assistant.? Develop a mission statement with that definition.?? Try this, “At (insert your company name), we strive to provide you with the best (insert what that is) and to always meet and exceed your expectations.? We are committed to (what?).? This can be done while enjoying that eggnog this year, not too spiked of course.? By developing your mission statement, you will find clarity, which will enable you to take your virtual assistant business to the next level.?? Also, if you have a mission statement from last year, it’s time to rewrite it and include where you are today with your business.?

Resolution #4 – Get the steps to success down in writing.? For those that have read our book, Virtual Assistant – The Series: Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA, you might benefit with our new VA The Series Workbook.? It takes you step by step through operating a successful VA business, listing all your goals, development ideas,? and also drives home exactly what you want your business to be.? When you see it in writing, it helps you see where you want to go and how you want to get there.?

Resolution #5 – Make an effort to keep your company name out there.? Send out regular press releases, articles, newsletters, post cards, thank you notes, and frequent follow-up.? Not only can this help your Google status, but it also gains you credibility as an expert.?As virtual assistants, being able to work without global boundaries has enabled us to work with clients anywhere.?? These steps can help you find the right balance for your next year is more prosperous than ever.?We wish you the best of luck in the coming year.? May it be your best year ever with success, happiness, and the right family/work balance that allows you to enjoy every day with peace and serenity.? Stop by any of our sites for additional information on how you too can become a successful Virtual Assistant.?


Diana Ennen, Author of numerous books including Virtual Assistant – The Series: Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA and New Accompanying VA The Series Workbook; WordPerfect? OfficeReady? Virtual Assistant Solution Pack, Visit Diana at Free booklet available on starting a virtual assisting business, as well as several other great articles and tips.?Feel free to pass this article along as long as the author’s block is included.? ? ?

Category : Virtual Assistant

It’s a New Year of Music, Movement and Creativity

Posted by at 6 January, 2008, 4:04 pm

Most of us are reflecting on how our 2007 has shaped up…Did we lose those 10 pounds we started the year with that we resolved to lose?? Did we learn that new language we resolved to learn?? Did we begin that new class we resolved to start to cook different meals?

Ah……just the word resolution brings about shivers to my spine!? I am one of those that really never makes New Year’s Resolutions and stays focused throughout the year revisiting my goals and my dreams often to make sure I am on track.

Leslie of Grill Charms has so inspired us all to continue chasing our dreams, but she has really shown us that we need to do it day in and day out with PASSION and the initial energy and drive that we had our first week in business!!!!!? Thank you Leslie for the unplanned kick-in-the-pants you have given many of us fellow entrepreneurs!

Our bilingual music videos hit TV airways via the Education Channel here in Tampa Bay this month!? (See a complete Boca Beth bilingual music video for FREE by clicking here!)? I can’t think of a better way to kick off a New Year than to know that many families will benefit from the music,?movement and creativity woven through each of our Boca Beth Bilingual Music Videos!

So….my friends and amigas, let’s make this an amazing year.? Send your videos in to Donny (I am!!!), network with fellow like-minded and positive people (you will feel so much better for it!), and make this week like it’s your first in business, and have the sense of urgency and excitement to make things happen NOW/AHORA.

Happy Educating!?

Boca Beth

Category : Blogroll | Teacher Mom

The crazy Mompreneur

Posted by at 6 January, 2008, 9:00 am

Okay, I think I can write now.? About twice a day I am seriously having what I can only explain as an out of body experience.?? The gravity of what’s going on kinda makes my brain turn off, my eyes glass over and I drift off to my happy place.? I’m thinking it’s a defense mechanism because my heart and head have never raced this fast for so long.? I’m going on 48 hours of pure adrenaline.? I don’t think that’s normal.? I’m really trying to stay sane and grounded because I seriously don’t want to frighten my little girls with any sort of “manic” behavior.? It’s okay girls… mommy has just temporarily lost her mind… she’ll come back soon.? So, Friday here is what I was told.? I’ll be flying up to NY on the 28th for the taping on the 29th.? I’m not 100% sure, but I THINK the show will air that night.? (I’ll let you know as soon as I know)? The segment I’ll be doing is “One minute too Millions” in which a newbie entrepreneur (me) gets to get advice from the experts about my company, my product, etc…? It’s a little scary because of course the feedback is not all positive.? They really break it down for ya, but the advice will be invaluable.? ?

Since the phone call all I can say is THANK GOD I HIRED MY PR GIRLS, because I would be lost without them right now.? The producer said she needed my Bio, Press kit and video clip.? On the phone I’m just sitting there nodding my head uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh writing everything she is saying.? I basically then got right on the email and regurgitated everything I was told and said “PLEASE JUST DO IT!”? I am soooo glad I have them… I don’t even know what a Press kit looks like!!!! (This brings up another issue… I DIDN’T BUDGET FOR A PROFESSIONAL FULL PRODUCTION VIDEO SHOOT!!!)? Where’s that money tree when you need it?! Back to the PR girls… And now of course they are going to blanket the local media with a press release and pitch my story to the local people about how I got the nod to go national.? It’s a big ol snowball that has just gained momentum and right this minute, I don’t mind telling ya… I feel a little out of control, a
LOT out of my comfort zone and TERRIFIED!? I’ve got to try to still be a stable wonderful mommy, run the daily operations of the company and prepare for… I’m not even really sure what I’m preparing for.? ?

I did email the girls at Early Bird Baby (they were featured on the show that my clip aired on) and just asked for any advice they had and what I could expect.? What I have gathered I can expect is whatever previous sales were, add two zeros to that and that’s what the show could possibly bring to your numbers.? This leads me to the next hat that I’m wearing.? All the sales and PR is great, but I’m still in charge of operations too, which if ops isn’t tight, sales won’t mean a thing. I have 2
PO’s that are on the water… remember that forklift conversation from Friday??? Well I made a frantic call to my sourcing agent that afternoon to see if I could divert the shipment to OH!? I always knew that I would get to a point where I couldn’t or shouldn’t fulfill orders here and that I would need to outsource that task.? Judging from everything that is going on and how crazy it is around here without the help of national media exposure, I decided it was time to make that move sooner then later.? I hired a fellow mompreneur friend Janene to handle all my fulfillment, order taking, and inventory control.? Thankfully my OEM and sourcing agent said NO PROBLEM.? The product will be diverted to her facility in OH so she can ship all my product for me instead of my trying to literally “kitchen table” it.? Do I have enough coming?? Should I put in another
PO? Will the ocean freight get here in time for the show?? Will I be able to meet demand?? Am I kidding myself and will I have way to much inventory now sitting in a warehouse NOT free and losing money?? Hmmmm…. I’m feeling a little alone and a little overwhelmed right now…? I’m glad you guys are here for me to vent to.? ?

I need to regroup and put things into perspective.? (this is more for me, then you, so bear with me)? Okay… PR, Bio, Press Kits, video – delegated.?
PO’s-diverted, fulfillment-delegated, beating myself up over whether I will have enough or too much inventory-ongoing.? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT?!? Being a first time entrepreneur is A LOT of trial by fire.? I’m just winging it over here and I’m taking you guys along for the ride.? Okay, so, this has actually brought up another issue.? I’m a little worried about inventory for after the show, so I have put all my sales efforts on hold temporarily until after the 29th until I know what I’m dealing with.? A good decision??? Who knows!? I need to quite beating myself up over that issue.? It is what it is for right now, let it GO!? ?

Next week I have a speaking engagement so prepare for.? It’s not for the media or anything but it’s really cool.? I met a gal at a Christmas party who teaches gifted 4th and 5th graders.? They do a whole series in their class about inventing and entrepreneurs.? She asked me along with my patent attorney to come speak at the assembly of about 50 kids.? I’m very excited and thrilled to do it.? I just hope I can stay focused enough to give the kids something of value during those 45 minutes!? (That’s Wed at 8:15).? This blog is getting out of hand, so I’ll let you guys go for now.? Obviously I need to organize my thoughts some more.? I’m going to get in the shower, take the kids outside to ride their bikes and try to relax my brain a little.? Talk to ya soon!?

Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢?

Category : The Journey of Grill Charms!