Archive for April, 2007

A girlie girl in a male dominated world

Posted by Programming Mom at 24 April, 2007, 9:25 am

A few years back, I met a woman for coffee, and she made the comment that she was surprised to see a programmer with long hair who wore lipstick and earrings. I think that was the first time I really thought of my profession as more of a male-dominated job, one with certain stereotypes attached.

To me, programming is a natural extension of my professional me. When I started my business, I knew I wanted to work on web development, but web design just wasn’t playing to my strengths. But I love solving problems, and programming played to those interests. My parents always enforced the idea that I could do whatever I wanted in life, and I guess that thought carries over to my business today.

I couldn’t be happier with my path! It’s fun doing something that not a lot of other women do. I do often wonder why more women don’t get into programming though. It’s a great job that’s very much in demand – not only is there a huge need for good programmers, but other women owned businesses seem to really prefer hiring women programmers. And it’s a perfect outlet for a mom who loves puzzles and detail work. Plus it’s a great ‘in between’ kind of job – you can work fit this type of work in between your kids’ naps or hash out code while waiting in line at the bank.

With that said, I do tend to go out of my way to add the ‘girlie’ component into my in-person appearance, because it is so much harder for a techie mom to break the ‘computer programmers should be guys’ barrier. For instance, my office is bright pink with lots of colorful flowers and butterflies (my daughter and I picked out the decor together, since it doubles as a playroom!), and I use lots of pink and purple feather top pens and flowery, lacy notebooks at meetings. It’s a little over the top, sure. But those who aren’t very computer oriented tend to naturally bristle when you talk tech, and this puts people immediately at ease. You just can’t feel intimidated by a programmer who has a pink butterfly pen and glittery notebook, and that’s exactly what I’m going for. :)

I strongly recommend that anyone out there who thinks that they can’t start a certain business because it’s not generally one women start should think again! Find your passion and your best fit and go with it, regardless of whether it’s a field you normally think of as one for women. Then make it your own. You just might find that being a woman in a male dominated business is an asset, not a liability!


Category : Programming Mom

Your cheatin hearrrrrrrt

Posted by For Inventors at 23 April, 2007, 12:00 pm

April 20, 2007I haven’t heard from the “distributor” gal yet, but that’s okay.? I’m not ready for all that yet, and besides, I still don’t know what one is!? I have done some research and found that depending on who you talk to it means different things to different people. The quick definition is that a distributor, also known as wholesalers, brokers or jobbers, distributors buy in quantity from several manufacturers and warehouse the goods for sale to retailers. Although their prices are higher than a manufacturer’s, they can supply retailers with small orders from a variety of manufacturers. (Some manufacturers refuse to fill small orders.) A lower freight bill and quick delivery time from a nearby distributor often compensates for the higher per-item cost.? That’s about the only thing that is constant and even that varies. ?(okay, so NOTHING is consistent!) I’ll have to just cross that bridge when I come to it.? I’ve got bigger fish to fry today!? I have been talking with my “new” potential sourcing agent and here is what he said this morning after emailing him CAD drawings, specs, etc… the other day.???????????????????????????????????? “My latest idea is to produce 100 pcs of one item that will enable us to prove the process we have in mind, as well as giving you samples of what the production parts will look like.If?you agree, and we feel confident that we can produce a good part after seeing either your samples or artwork, I will get you a tooling price and a sample piece price and a production piece price.The production method we have in mind will be very cost effective.If this method does not produce acceptable parts, there will be no charge to you.?“?How can I pass up an offer like that?? Okay, I’m a little leery as I don’t know this new guy well but I do need a back up as my other guy is having trouble. ??I can’t have ALL my eggs in one basket right?? It’s very strange, but I feel like I’m “cheating” on my other guy.? He’s been with me since the very beginning and believed in me this whole time.? I’ve come so far with him that now I feel guilty for looking elsewhere.? Weird huh?? I know I MUST have options and different sources, it just make smart business sense, but still…? I feel bad.?

Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢?

Category : The Journey of Grill Charms!

What’s a distributor?

Posted by For Inventors at 23 April, 2007, 11:59 am

April 19, 2007Today is my 11 year wedding anniversary… my my my where does the time go!?? Okay, so I get this call at 4:55 yesterday from a “distributor” in the mid-West that came upon my company via… you guessed it… (true true!!)? She said she saw my posts, checked out my website and said she was interested in representing Grill Charms™ as a distributor.? I was so thrilled, but couldn’t talk long so I locked myself in the laundry room this time (The bathroom was too far) as my husband and I were frantically trying to stop the fighting between DD2 and DD4 so we could get DD4 and I off to ballet.? She said she represented complimenting products such as spices and gourmet foods so it was natural fit.? I do have acquiring a “distributor” in my business plan, but that’s not until around year 2- 2.5 in the biz (and officially, I’m not even in year 1)? I will mark my official start once I have my first production run in hand.? Having said this, I was planning on finding out exactly what this enigmatic entity called “distributor” actually is, does and means, but that wasn’t supposed to happen for a while.? While pacing the length of my washer and dryer (about 6 feet) I asked her to email any information she had about her company and what she expects through our relationship.? Now it looks like I’ll be finding out about this thing called a “distributor” a little ahead of schedule.? I’m going to go now and do some researching.? I’ll let you know what I find!? (By the way… the traffic gods where shining down on me as I was just in time for DD4 to march along in line up to her ballet class with all of her friends)?

Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢?

Category : The Journey of Grill Charms!

Back to basics

Posted by For Inventors at 23 April, 2007, 11:54 am

April 18, 2007Over the past day or so I’ve been a little stressed, then I started getting back to basics.? In the beginning, when all I had was an idea, I did a TON of research (and made files) on all aspects of my future business. ?With inventing, one of the most important issues is, can it be made and out of what. Yesterday I broke out the ol’ “manufacturing” file and went through all my notes and all the printed web site pages and came across a company I had found that was about 90 miles south of here which specializes specifically in sourcing metals and various metal processes.? I had forgotten about this file because I was all set with the wonderful guy I have now.? Yesterday I gave this company a call while the kiddies were napping and left a message.? Because of my previous research and working on my business for almost a year know, I kinda sounded like I knew what I was talking about!? I’m so glad I kept every piece of paper and every web site address and every phone number because I thought there was a possibility I might someday need it!? (advice… KEEP EVERYTHING, you don’t know when your Plan A will fall through and you need to start over)? So the kids got up and I went about my day.? We had a playgroup here at my house and wouldn’t you know it, in the middle of 5 kids screaming and having a wonderful time, he calls me back.? I excuse myself for a second and lock myself in the bathroom to take this important call while my poor friends are left with the carnage in the play room!? (That’s what friends are for)? He made 1 comment that put a spring in my step.? He made a simple statement about another material that I didn’t even think of!? Regardless of whom I use (and I do still love my guy) I now have other options, all from just picking up the phone and having a 5 minute conversation with a “fresh” voice.? I was so wrapped up in my “must be stainless” ideas that I forgot about another obvious viable material.? Whether it works our or not, lesson learned, when you think you’ve come to a dead end, turn around and start over, make a call, talk to someone (anyone) and fresh ideas will happen.? Keep plugging along, asking questions and learn learn learn.? (I will have to remind myself of my advice later I’m sure)? I’m very good at giving it, but sometime forget to take it!? I’m off to lunch for now, then I’ll pick up the kids from Mothers Morning out and I’ll be back.? Wonder what the afternoon will bring???

Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢?

Category : The Journey of Grill Charms!

Is getting ulcers a prerequisite to success?

Posted by For Inventors at 23 April, 2007, 11:50 am

April 16, 2007Gotta love the roller coaster!? Heard from sourcing agent sales rep. And again, he says there is trouble.? Now my stomach hurts for crying out loud!? If this were easy, everyone would do it right?? Where is my President?? He needs to tell me everything will be okay.? I have now gone back and gave examples of similar products manufactured with the same material to show this can be done.? DD2 (dear daughter 2 years old) is up from her nap early…. Shhhhhh…..? maybe she’ll go back to sleep….Nope, she’s calling for me.? Okay, looks like that’s all the work I can do for today.

Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢?

Category : The Journey of Grill Charms!

Much better today

Posted by For Inventors at 23 April, 2007, 11:48 am

April 13, 2007MUCH better…I just got a message back from my sourcing agent (the pres. of the company this time, whom I have a GREAT relationship with).? The other guy is my sales rep who is great but doesn’t understand the mechanics of the stainless steel biz (and neither did I until I had this cock-a-meme idea that required it!)? I’m so glad I didn’t have to make the call to the big guy; he came back to me before I actually hit the panic button and said…??“Good Afternoon….
You are 100% correct.? I did some research and blah blah blah technical stuff technical stuff technical stuff….
So for the rest of the day just relax….and know you’re in good hands”?I thought we were barking up the wrong tree, I just needed some reassurance.?? All is well again! ?I still have the UPC code thingy on my desk staring at me…? hmmmmm… today???? Nope!? It’s Friday, no UPC’s today!

Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢?

Category : The Journey of Grill Charms!

Sorry, no turning back now

Posted by For Inventors at 23 April, 2007, 11:47 am

April 12, 2007Personal:? Today was a GREAT day!? We have friends in town so we all hit the beach, had lunch and now everyone is napping.? It is 84 degrees and not a cloud in the sky!? Life is GOOD!?Business:? Okay, so today I have hit a snag. Most would crumble but no… not “Super Mom!”? Here is just a little snippet of what my sourcing agent had to say today…?

________ has been having problems finding a factory in
China suitable to producing your products. … blah blah blah (lots of technical stuff….)? ______ is trying his best to locate a factory capable …..but so far all the factories he has contacted are reluctant because of the difficulties. We are trying our best and sorry for the delay but we can not confirm anything to you yet. If this project can not be done we will refund your tooling cost 100% refunded to you. Please allow us a little more time in searching for factories.?

And here is part of my response….?

“if this project can not be done we will refund your tooling cost 100%” is not an option.? The train has already left the station…? I’ve seen your work and the work you have done for other customers blah blah blah….? I’m sure you guys will find a way.? Thank you for all of your work :) ?

okay… so now is where things get really interesting… I LOVE my sourcing agent and I know he can do it.? I am dealing with the sales rep right now, but I have a fantastic relationship with the Owner and President of the company.? I don’t want to pull in the big guns yet, so I’ll wait and see what happens.? In the meantime, as any smart business person would do, I will start lining up my plans? B, C and D should they force my hand into bailing.? Never a dull moment!? According to my original business plan, I ‘m about 1 year ahead of schedule, then I revised it a few months ago as things just kept falling into place quickly ?and I am working off of numbers based on an Aug. launch.? I’m still well within my time line so no sweat yet!? Stay tuned….

Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢?

Category : The Journey of Grill Charms!

Let’s procrastinate a little

Posted by For Inventors at 23 April, 2007, 11:44 am

April 11, 2007Not much going on today.? The kiddies had school and they are napping now.? The other day I finally gummed up enough courage to click “Pay Now” on the GS1 Website and shelled out the $750.00 smak-a-roos for my GS1 Company Prefix certificate so I can make my UPC’s.??? (Basically I now have the capability to make bar codes)? Yesterday I received my information packet on how to do that so the UPC’s can be printing on my packaging.? It’s a computer program and a whole lot of reading.? I’ll tackle that another day….

Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢?

Category : The Journey of Grill Charms!

First sign of trouble

Posted by For Inventors at 23 April, 2007, 11:42 am

April 10, 2007Busy day so far with the girls.? We spent forever at the Post Office getting them passports for a vacation we hope to go on the summer, then off to the dentist for DD2’s (dear daughter 2 years old) first visit and a routine cleaning for DD4? (dear daughter 4 Years old)? They both did so well!!? I’m so proud of them!? I shot my sourcing agent a message yesterday asking how the search was going for a new OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) since the one we had a deal with turned out to be doing substandard tooling for my molds so my sourcing agent relieved them of the project.? My product is stainless steel and manufactured through a process called “investment casting” which is the process a lot of jewelry is made by.? It’s an expensive process but my target market requires the quality that investment casting can give.? Long story short, still nothing but they are working diligently to find someone.? The problem is with overseas manufacturing, should you require an initial production run of 2 million units, you’d have factories falling all over themselves to work with you but? with an initial run being so small (mine is only 500 retail ready units) it’s quite difficult to find anyone overseas that will do the work. ?This is the reason most inventors/product developers try to manufacture domestically initially because they can’t afford nor have the demand to support the high minimums overseas. ?Even though here are such high minimums overseas I still can’t afford the domestic option because the tooling costs are so high here. L Oh well… just another hurdle I will overcome soon.? Today is Tuesday so we’ll take the girls to a local restaurant for dinner that offers free kid’s meals with an adult entrée AND has a jump castle on Tuesdays!? They have great food and great wine so everyone’s happy!? (Hopefully it won’t rain)

Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢?

Category : The Journey of Grill Charms!

Introduction from Leslie – Inventor Mom

Posted by For Inventors at 23 April, 2007, 9:03 am

April 9, 2007I’ve wanted to document this process for a while, but just haven’t gotten around to it.? Well… today is the day!? I suppose the first thing I need to do is define the goal of this blog.? I would like to keep a record of my entrepreneurial journey so I can reflect on where I have been, keep focused on where I am going and give my daughters a road map some day of what to do and not do while trying to raise children and live the American dream all in a healthy, loving, balanced?environment.? Like I said… this maybe a how-to or how not to blog, the jury is still very much out.? Should someone else benefit from my experience in following my path, or avoiding mistakes I have and will make, then BONUS!??(I am a terrible speller so be warned)? I did not grow up hooked on phonics and we all can’t be good at everything.? My father is a terrible speller so I’ll blame it on my lack of the “spelling gene”.? Just to bring this blog up to speed, let me run down the nutshell version of my entrepreneurial life to this point.? April 2006 my husband’s love for spicy food and my inability to handle it led to a comment which altered the path of my life.? Grill Charms were born that evening and since then life has reached warp speed.? I wrote my business plan which to this day is the most valuable business document I have, I worked with a patent attorney to protect my IP (after my own exhaustive patent search at, I had prototypes (41 to be exact) machined by a local machine shop, (right about this point of the process, I had a little run in with Breast Cancer, had a bilateral mastectomy, a few reconstructive procedures and got back on track) did extensive primary and secondary market research, found a fantastic sourcing agent as my product unfortunately is too expensive to have manufactured in the states (and yes I tried everything!? Even the US manufactures said I needed to go overseas), got accepted by Clemson University (who has one of the best packaging science departments in the country) to be an “industry sponsor” for the development of my packaging (the final project will be presented on April 26th), put in my application for my Federal Trademark, presented my prototypes and idea at the QVC/Oprah’s next big thing product search March 29th 2007 in West Chester PA and now await the results.? That is the really really short version of where I am right now.? I work out of my home office while my 2 daughters nap in the afternoons (they are 2 and 4) and while they go to “mothers morning out” Monday, Wednesdays and Friday’s from 10:00-1:00.? Life is great, my girls are fantastic, my husband is so supportive and I am so thankful for all I have.? If I do complain it’s only because I want to portray the good, the bad and the ugly about this venture only to “keep it real” but in the grand scheme of things, life is, always has been and always will be GREAT!

Leslie Haywood, Founder and President of Charmed Life Products, Inventor of Grill Charmsâ„¢?

Category : The Journey of Grill Charms!